Articles tagged with: learning
Emor: Your Best Days Are Still Ahead

A Homerun
Something magical happened in San Diego in the spring of 2016. Bartolo Colón, a pitcher of nearly forty-three years of age, proved that his best days are still ahead of him. He became the oldest player in Major League Baseball, to hit his first homerun. Bartolo has terrorized batters …
Shoftim: Let The Teachers Teach

Leading By Example
“Judges and guards shall you appoint over you at all your gates.” (1) This biblical passage establishes the halachic foundation for a Jewish Judicial system. The two primary players in the system are the judges and the guards. There can be no justice without judges, who issue halachic …
Acharei Mot K’doshim: A Lifetime of Forward Steps

Be Holy
Our Parsha exhorts us to be holy and the reason given is “For I (Hashem) am holy”. The Midrash adds that though we are encouraged to reach for Hashem’s holiness, it will always remain beyond us. What did the Midrash seek to accomplish by this statement? Try to reach …