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Articles tagged with: loyalty

Sh’lach: Loyal to Whom?

June 18, 2006 – 5:39 am | Comments Off on Sh’lach: Loyal to Whom?2,476 views
loyal to whom innerstream

The Vice President
After twenty years with the company the senior vice president was invited to the President’s office.
“We have been experiencing a rash of theft in the mail room,” said the president, “and we suspect the mail room supervisor. This position must be filled with someone we can trust and …

Miketz: A True Brother

December 23, 2005 – 8:50 pm | Comments Off on Miketz: A True Brother3,085 views
charity in a failing economy - innerstream

A Jewish Boy In Egypt
Our Parsha relates the story of Josef in the land of Egypt. What was a good Jewish boy dong in Egypt? Why did he become Viceroy of such a corrupt and immoral land?

There was a famine in the region and Egypt was the only country …