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Articles tagged with: marraige

Vayakhel Pekudei: The Heart of a Relationship

March 11, 2012 – 3:36 am | Comments Off on Vayakhel Pekudei: The Heart of a Relationship147 views
Aron Hakodesh

The Ark
It was a building party. Hammers banging on anvils, saws cutting through wood, artisans weaving designs, all crafting, fashioning, designing and building a magnificent home for G-d. They set up the structure and spread out her covers. They readied the altars, show table and candelabra, but before those could …

Pinchas: Marriage Counseling

July 9, 2006 – 4:37 am | Comments Off on Pinchas: Marriage Counseling2,789 views
marriage counseling - innerstream

A Tale of Two Dilemmas
A husband and wife once came to a rabbi to consult on a family matter.
The husband explained that he loves his wife, but takes her for granted. Her little gestures of love don’t move him. Her, “I love you” notes, her, “thinking of you” gifts and …

Emor: The Dancing Jew

January 12, 2006 – 4:03 am | Comments Off on Emor: The Dancing Jew6,401 views
the dancing jew innerstream

The Hora
I’m not much of a dancer. I don’t like dancing and I’m not good at it. So I often find myself on the side of the dance floor watching rather than joining. You see, the dance pace at a Chassidic wedding is intense but the selection is standard, the hora, …