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Articles tagged with: marriage

Chayei Sarah: Man and Woman

November 13, 2011 – 3:18 am | Comments Off on Chayei Sarah: Man and Woman3,064 views
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Who Does the Chasing?
Mazal Tov, they’re engaged, soon to be married. When is the wedding? The date hasn’t been set yet; the invitations aren’t even printed. And how did they meet? Actually, he caught a glimpse of her one day and from that very first moment he knew she was …

Ki Tavo: How To Grow A Relationship

September 11, 2011 – 2:45 am | Comments Off on Ki Tavo: How To Grow A Relationship2,533 views
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An Odd Verse
Many verses in the Torah are difficult to translate, but this one is a real mystery.
“You spoke G-d this day, to be your lord… And G-d spoke you this day to be His people.” (1)
Can you make sense of this verse? If you’re struggling with it you’re …

Ki Tetze: Why Divorce Is Necessary

September 5, 2011 – 8:09 pm | Comments Off on Ki Tetze: Why Divorce Is Necessary4,822 views
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Two Worlds
Nearly all children dream of marriage, yet nearly half of today’s marriages end in divorce, why is divorce so rampant? Conversely, with divorce so rampant, why do we still marry?


Vayikra: When Small Is Great

March 6, 2011 – 2:27 am | Comments Off on Vayikra: When Small Is Great3,247 views
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The Humble Moses
The book of Leviticus begins with the sweeping majesty of Moses’ first entry into the tabernacle. “Vayikra,” G-d called unto Moses and invited him to the Tent of Meeting. Uplifting and inspiring as the moment was, Moses, understood that small is great, received his honor in abject humility. In …

Chayei Sarah: Finding Sacred Space

October 24, 2010 – 12:52 am | Comments Off on Chayei Sarah: Finding Sacred Space2,880 views
Prayer The Interface Of Love

The Quest
Human beings are full of aspirations and regrets, ambitions and failures, cravings and discipline, obsessions and the ability to control them. We are fractured beings with fragments that pull us in every direction. This is because we are unable to focus; every time we set our sights on a …

Eikev: The Deeper Bond

July 29, 2007 – 5:13 am | Comments Off on Eikev: The Deeper Bond2,959 views
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Opposites attract. They say this is because life with a like-minded spouse is too agreeable and therefore boring. I say, really? Bring on the boredom. Please!
