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Articles tagged with: oneness

The Secret Alef

January 16, 2024 – 2:03 pm | Comments Off on The Secret Alef348 views

The secret alef is the mystery of this week’s Torah portion. Alef is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Hebrew letters also serve as numbers. Thus, alef is one; it represents G-d, who exists alone. He is one, and there is no other. By that, we mean not only …

The Kohen

May 27, 2023 – 11:40 pm | Comments Off on The Kohen425 views

The kohen (priest) plays many central roles in this week’s Torah portion. Primary among them is the priestly blessing. G-d endowed the kohen with the power to confer blessing. It is a potent power. Imagine holding the keys to another’s fortune and happiness. If you choose, you can endow them …