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Articles tagged with: peace

Noach: Inner Peace

October 14, 2017 – 10:11 pm | Comments Off on Noach: Inner Peace2,230 views

How does one achieve inner peace?
To answer this question we must first ask, what factors deprive us of inner peace? There are all kinds of answers to the second question. Inner peace can be hampered by money stresses, family stresses, insecurity issues and many others. But I submit that the …

Pinchas: A Broken Whole

July 24, 2016 – 10:58 pm | Comments Off on Pinchas: A Broken Whole2,576 views

The Holy Donut
The old saying goes, there is nothing more complete than a broken heart. Sometimes to make something complete, you need to break it. You can’t make a donut unless you punch a hole in it. With a hole, it is whole. Refill the hole and you lost the …

Vaysihlach: Civilian Casualties

November 25, 2012 – 4:03 am | Comments Off on Vaysihlach: Civilian Casualties3,537 views
civilian casualties - innerstream

The Ethical Dilemma
Attacked by a barrage of rockets from Gaza that killed several, injured many and terrorized millions, Israel responded with airstrikes against military targets in Gaza. Radar guided missiles attacked terror cells, rockets launchers, bomb factories and Hamas government installations.[1]


Chayei Sarah: Like Mother Like Daughter

November 8, 2009 – 3:01 am | Comments Off on Chayei Sarah: Like Mother Like Daughter2,587 views
like m other like daughter - innerstream

Inner Joy
If you identify the source of happiness and bottle it you could be an instant millionaire. The problem is that true happiness cannot be granted or purchased; true happiness comes from within.


Beshalach: Love of LIfe

February 1, 2009 – 2:30 am | Comments Off on Beshalach: Love of LIfe3,592 views
for love of life - innersream

Red Sea
An entire nation had narrowly escaped; the army of murderers, bearing down on them just a moment earlier, now drowning in the ocean. G-d had orchestrated a brilliant rescue. Jews stood huddled on the far shore watching their captors toss helplessly about on the surging waves of a plunging …

D’varim : Absolute Faith

July 15, 2005 – 8:01 am | Comments Off on D’varim : Absolute Faith2,655 views
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The Untenable Dilemma
On a trip to Israel in November of 2001, I asked a number of Israelis to share their thoughts on how the Intafada might be quelled. Their response was, “There is no resolution. The State of Israel will continue to exist and so will the Intafada. Somehow we …