Articles tagged with: Pre-determinsm
Shemini: Pre Determinism or Free Choice
If G-d Knew…
When Nadav and Avihu, sons of Aaron, passed away in their prime Moses intimated that their passing was foretold by G-d. [1] Our problem is this: if G-d had foreknowledge of their death, He must have had foreknowledge of the sin for which they died, [2] which raises …
Tazria Metzora: Do We Really Have Free Choice?
When We Are Free
Those among us raised in free societies, whose earliest impressions were molded by values of democracy, cherish the principle of free choice. We believe deeply that the freedom to choose is integral to the human condition and we intuitively reject notions of pre-determinsm.
We cannot stomach the idea …
B’Ha’alotcha: The Grand Design
A Missed Flight
Several days after my son’s circumcision, my wife and I went to visit the Mohel (Rabbi who performs circumcisions), who told us a remarkable tale of divine providence. He was once asked to perform a ritual circumcision in Lake Taho, to which he was required to travel …