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Articles tagged with: privacy

Emor: Social Media

May 7, 2017 – 12:18 am | Comments Off on Emor: Social Media2,569 views

The Perpetual Party
Social media has turned life into one long party. We are always in public, always “on”. One mom, Alice Velásquez of Bargersville, Indiana, made a personal parenting decision in the privacy of her home. When her teenage children refused to clean up their rooms, she packed their mess …

Tazria Mitzorah: A Sign of Love

April 7, 2013 – 3:40 pm | Comments Off on Tazria Mitzorah: A Sign of Love5,672 views
father's happiness- innerstream

The Walls Know
We love closed doors for the cover they provide; what we do behind them others can’t know and what they don’t know can’t hurt them. We can be irascible, immoral and impossible in private, yet parade in public as amicable, wise and generous and no one will be …