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Vaera: Just Stop Asking

January 7, 2013 – 3:17 am | Comments Off on Vaera: Just Stop Asking3,121 views
just stop asking - innerstream

My Shoes Hurt My Head
Herbert Weiner, author of Nine and a Half Mystics, enjoyed warm relations with many Chassidic Jews.  Herbert reportedly asked a Chassid, why it is that despite their mutual Jewish base he feels that the Chassid walks through doors that he simply cannot. As I understood it, …

Lech Lecha: Trickle Down Religion-omics

October 21, 2012 – 2:08 am | Comments Off on Lech Lecha: Trickle Down Religion-omics4,552 views
trickle down religion-nomics

Top Down or Middle Out
A debate rages across the United States about the best way to jump start an economy. Some believe in the top down solution; offer tax relief to job creators so they can pump more money into the economy. Others believe in the Middle Out solution; increase …