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Articles tagged with: sacrifice

Chanukah: The True Heroes

December 9, 2017 – 11:09 pm | Comments Off on Chanukah: The True Heroes2,422 views

The Women
The miracle of Chanukah has true heroes, and though we usually think of the Maccabees and the priests who kindled the miraculous lamps in the Temple, Chanukah’s true heroes are the women and children.
The Talmud tells us that although positive commandments bound by particular times, are usually non-binding on …

Chukat: For Another

June 25, 2017 – 2:31 pm | Comments Off on Chukat: For Another5,286 views

Only G-d
The best way to reach G-d is to sacrifice everything for another. We learn this from a fascinating detail about the Red Heifer.
When Moses was told that it is possible to be purified even after contact with a dead body, he was surprised. Death, the absence of life, represents …

Vayera: Your Daily Sacrifice

October 30, 2015 – 2:11 pm | Comments Off on Vayera: Your Daily Sacrifice2,824 views
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One Or A Thousand
Which is harder, death by execution or death by a thousand cuts? Chananiah MIshael and Azariah were pious Jews held captive in Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar offered them a choice between idol worship and death. They chose death and were thrown into a cauldron. Miraculously they survived, but the …

Vayikra: The Power to Please

March 10, 2013 – 5:35 am | Comments Off on Vayikra: The Power to Please2,765 views
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The Sin Offering
The sacrificial offerings in the Temple secured atonement for the inadvertent sins of their bearers. This prompts a question: To bring such offerings is a Divine commandment, how does fulfilling one commandment atone for transgressing another? If your student failed to do his homework but was respectful during …

Beshalach: For G-d and Country

January 24, 2010 – 4:04 am | Comments Off on Beshalach: For G-d and Country2,850 views
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The Complaint
They were stranded in a vast desert; miles from civilization. The meager provisions, brought along from Egypt, entirely depleted. There was nothing left; not a drop. If they failed to secure food today, their children would go hungry the next day. Under these conditions, why was asking for food …

Vayikra: Is Animal Sacrifice Cruel?

March 18, 2007 – 3:54 am | Comments Off on Vayikra: Is Animal Sacrifice Cruel?3,412 views
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Is it Condoned?
“Rabbi,” I am often implored, “Please don’t tell me that the Torah condones animal sacrifice.” Many believe that animal sacrifice is immoral and ought to be discarded in the modern, enlightened age. When I reply that animal sacrifice is still condoned and that should the temple be erected …

Tazria Mitzorah: Circumcision – The Mark of Truth

April 23, 2006 – 9:46 am | Comments Off on Tazria Mitzorah: Circumcision – The Mark of Truth16,965 views
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Eight Days
A baby is born, Mazal Tov, now the mad rush begins. Whom do you call first? Parents before siblings, siblings before friends and friends before colleagues. Every call brings new questions: what is the baby’s, weight, size, eye color and, of course, gender. Is it a boy or a …

Teruma: The Size of a Sacrifice

February 22, 2006 – 2:55 am | Comments Off on Teruma: The Size of a Sacrifice2,488 views
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A Cause for Wonder
Moshe was instructed to build a Mishkan (tent) in which G-d would manifest his presence. Gazing into the future Moshe saw King Shlomo marvel that “A G-d who is not contained by the vast heavens would fit into the small confines of the Beis Hamikdash!”  Moshe reflected …