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Articles tagged with: teaching

Pekudei: Learn to Love It

March 13, 2006 – 5:45 am | Comments Off on Pekudei: Learn to Love It2,671 views
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A Generous Text
This week’s Parsha continues the theme from the previous Parsha in describing our ancestor’s enthusiasm for building the Mishkan (tabernacle) and their exacting commitment to its great detail. After transmitting G-d’s detailed instructions for building the Mishkan the Torah could have simply concluded with the words “Vayasu Ken,” …

Yitro- Each to his own Level

February 10, 2006 – 7:46 pm | Comments Off on Yitro- Each to his own Level3,251 views
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Deputizing the Students
In this week’s Parsha we read that Moses descended from Mt Sinai and began to teach G-d’s Torah to the Masses. As Moses sat from morning to evening long queues of query laden students  formed up and snaked around his tent for miles. Each sought an answer, each …

Vayakhel : Inside Outside

February 1, 2005 – 6:57 pm | Comments Off on Vayakhel : Inside Outside3,109 views
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The Air Outside
Shortly after the Tzadik Reb Mendel of Horodok arrived in Israel a man climbed the Mount of Olives and sounded a Shofar. A rumor quickly spread that the Shofar’s call heralded the arrival of Moshiach. When word of this reached Reb Mendel, he threw the windows wide open …