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Articles tagged with: values

Masei: Back to Basics

July 31, 2016 – 12:00 am | Comments Off on Masei: Back to Basics2,853 views

Basics of LIfe
Are you still in touch with your grade school teachers; the ones that taught you the basics and laid your foundation for life? If you were like me, you looked down on your first grade teacher by the time you reached second grade. He was still in first, …

Vayera: The Final Journey

November 1, 2014 – 10:19 pm | Comments Off on Vayera: The Final Journey2,853 views
final journey -

Today I want to share a reflection for life’s final journey.
Abraham planted an Eshel[1] and our sages had two different explanations for what that was. Some said it was an orchard, others said it was an inn. Some name their inn, The Red Roof Inn, others name their inn, The …

Ki Tisa: Family

February 9, 2014 – 5:31 am | Comments Off on Ki Tisa: Family2,962 views
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Two Subjects
The instruction to keep Shabbat appears in the Torah[1] immediately before the story of the golden Calf. On the face of it the two subjects are unrelated, Shabbat is a celebration of G-d and worship of the Golden Calf was an act of apostasy. Yet their juxtaposition must be …

Beshalach: For G-d and Country

January 24, 2010 – 4:04 am | Comments Off on Beshalach: For G-d and Country2,852 views
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The Complaint
They were stranded in a vast desert; miles from civilization. The meager provisions, brought along from Egypt, entirely depleted. There was nothing left; not a drop. If they failed to secure food today, their children would go hungry the next day. Under these conditions, why was asking for food …

B’Midbar: Everyone Counts

May 14, 2006 – 4:18 am | Comments Off on B’Midbar: Everyone Counts2,719 views
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The Census
During the forty years of our ancestors’ journey across the dessert their census was taken a total of four times, one of which is recorded in this week’s Parsha.
