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In this Torah portion, the Jews made one of history’s most dramatic and romantic statements. When G-d split the Red Sea, they were overcome with emotion. “This is my G-d,” they exclaimed, “and I will beautify Him.” They didn’t say this is G-d or even this is our G-d; they …

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Home » Ninth of Av

Ninth of Av: A positive Perspective

Submitted by on July 16, 2006 – 4:01 amNo Comment | 3,093 views

Past and Future

During the upcoming Hebrew month of Tamuz, Jews around the world will observe a three-week semi mourning period marking the destruction of the ancient Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.

It has been close to two thousand years since the destruction of the Temple and every year on this day Jews fast, pray and mourn the Temple’s destruction. Along with mourning the past we also cling to a fervent and long awaited belief that Moshiach will soon come and reveal himself before the entire world.

A Telling Tale

The story is told of Rabbi Akiva, a great sage, who lived during the times of the Temple’s destruction. One day he and his colleagues were traveling to the holy city of Jerusalem. As they crested the last mountain, the  ruinous sight of the Western Wall lay before them. His colleagues began to wail and mourn the devastating destruction while Rabbi Akiva stood quietly by with a mysterious smile on his face.

They turned to him in shock and asked how he could dare laugh in the face of destruction? Rabbi Akiva then uttered words that resonate clearly through the ages down to this very day. “If the Almighty fulfilled his prophecy of doom with such precision then he will certainly fulfill his promise of redemption with expedience.”

Rabbi Akiva believed that everything we witness in this world should serve as a positive incentive to serve the almighty. Rabbi Akiva’s words teach us to turn every liability into an asset, the greater the challenge the greater the reward.

Auspicious Times

My friends, The Lubavitcher Rebbe, of blessed memory, has proclaimed that we live in a remarkable era. We are currently experiencing the last pangs of our long and torturous exile. We are also preparing for the long awaited promise of the Moshiach.

In these times we must concentrate on preparing ourselves for the coming of the Moshiach. We must occupy our minds with positive thoughts and channel our energy toward G-d, religion and the revelation of Moshiach.

Let us take the advice of the great sage Rabbi Akiva and utilize the upcoming days of mourning to fortify our hearts and minds. Let us strengthen our hope and faith in the imminent arrival of Moshiach. Let us take the proper steps to ensure that when he arrives, he will find us ready, waiting, and worthy of his revelation. Amen