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Home » Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah and January First

Submitted by on November 2, 2005 – 3:23 amNo Comment | 2,984 views

Remarkably Different

The Rosh Hashanah celebrations differ greatly from those of the secular new Year. The first of January is a time for parties, Rosh Hashanah is welcomed with sounding the Shofar, somber prayers, and sobering thoughts.

The striking difference is symbolic of our unique character as a nation and the profound relationship we share with G-d. The Jewish nation was chosen by G-d and the torah therefore refers to us as G-d’s children. This honorary distinction carries spiritual benefits and responsibilities.

Turning To G-d

We believe that every event that occurs in our world is divinely inspired. As His children, G-d wants us to remember this at all times. When the Jewish New Year arrives, Jews recognize the guiding hand of the Almighty who orchestrates the clock of time and guides it through its fazes, both good and bad. This humbling realization inspires us to turn to G-d in supplication and prayer. We express our gratitude for what he’s given us in the past and at the same time beseech him to grant us blessing in the year to come.

Rosh Hashanah also gives us a sense of renewal, revitalization and hope. It gives us the courage to venture into the uncharted territory of a New Year with confidence and strength. But perhaps most importantly, it leaves us with a clear impression that come what may, G-d will always be on our side.

Therein lies the fundamental difference between Rosh Hashanah and New Years. On New Years we celebrate the beauty of life, society and the world in which we live. Rosh Hashanah is a time to reaffirm our Judaism and cultivate the Divine relationship we share with G-d.

May we all be inscribed for a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. May we celebrate this New Year in the holy city Jerusalem together with Moshiach our righteous redeemer. Amen.

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