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Oral Tradition : Part One

December 23, 2004 – 10:34 am | Comments Off on Oral Tradition : Part One2,444 views

In the first part of this lecture series we established that G-d must
have given Moshe an oral tradition in tandem with the written text.
This begs a number of questions: What is the oral tradition? If it
comes from G-d why do our rabbis disagree on so many issues?
In the third part …

Oral Tradition : Part Two

December 22, 2004 – 10:38 am | Comments Off on Oral Tradition : Part Two3,760 views

The Oral tradition was taught to Moshe Rabeinu on Mt. Sinai this is indicated by a number of versus.
Reading #1

up to me on the mountain and I will give you the stone tablets and the
Torah  Commandments, “Torah” refers to the written Torah,
“Mitzvah” refers to the oral tradition, “that I have …