Articles in B’Midbar
B’ha’alotcha: Just Because
My Favorite Card
The flower shop sells all kinds of cards. Congratulations, sympathy, bereavement etc. My favorite is the, “Just Because” card. You can say it with flowers for all kinds of reasons. Because your wife did or said something special. Because your wife gave birth. Because your wife turned forty. …
Behaalotcha: The Miracle of Marriage
Sibling Rivalry
When word reached Zipporah that two new prophets had been identified among the Jews, her response was a quiet murmur, “Oh, I feel for their wives, I hope their marriage won’t end as mine did.“ Her sister in law, Miriam, overheard and asked her to explain. Zipporah replied that …
Naso: The Trump Phenomenon
Why Trump?
America is in the grip of a serious Trump phenomenon. There are times when voters take leave of their senses and take fanciful flights to lands of folly. Logic and rationale are powerless against these movements. Certain notions take hold and you can argue till you are blue in …
Masei: The Origins of Terror
Terror Springs From Misery
If you repeat a lie often enough people begin to believe it. The claim that terror is caused by misery and poverty is one such example. It is so often repeated that a guilt ridden West has come to accept it. But no matter how oft a …
Matot: Dishonesty
Social or Ritual?
They tell a story of a dying man, who called his son to his bedside. “Son,” he said, “let me tell you the two ironclad rules by which I ran my life. First, your word is gold. If you give it, you must keep it no matter the …
Pinchas: Anti-Semitism
Jewish Surprise
As the Jewish word recoiled from the murder of three Jewish teenagers in Israel, Jews the world over were shocked by news of a Palestinian youth’s murder in Jerusalem. But with the shock came deep disappointment at the response of World leaders, who condemned Jews for this murder even …
Balak: Tents of Torah
On June 16th, a powerful tornado thundered through a small town in Ontario called, Angus. Entire sections were torn off houses, leaving homes without roofs and walls. The next day there was a report on the radio that because of safety concerns officials wouldn’t allow residents to inspect the damage …
Chukat: Unchanging Torah
Tablets and Torah Scrolls
Why is the Torah so unchanging? Why are religious Jews so resistant to change? Doesn’t our tradition promote questions and provocative thought?