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Home » Vayetze

Vayetze: A Prayer for Life

Submitted by on December 4, 2005 – 3:01 amNo Comment | 2,676 views

How Do We Survive?

Our sages tell us that our forefather Jacob’s journey from B’er Sheva to Charan is symbolic of the daily journey made by the soul. For a Jew, every morning begins with prayer and Torah study. Pretty soon however, this period of the day comes to a close and we thrust ourselves into the orbit of a material world whence we have only yesterday escaped.

How do we fortify ourselves with the spiritual stamina to endure the challenges and rigors of our daily spiritual journey? Let us examine the prayers that our forefather offered as he embarked onto his journey.

Jacob’s Prayer

He asked G-d to remain with him and to protect him from the rigors of travel. He asked for personal providence and intervention and finally pledged to devote his home, his wealth and his very life to the service of the Almighty G-d. This is not just a prayer. This is a prayer for life.

There is room for such prayer in our lives too. Every morning as we journey back into the material world we ought to pray to G-d for protection from earthly temptation and for Torah guidance. We should ask for the strength and fortitude to convert our homes, business environments and our very lives into mini sanctuaries that further the cause and  service of the Almighty.

This approach can ensure our arrival to our ultimate destination, which is the fulfillment of the Divine purpose. Perhaps we will arrive a little weary in body but we will be refreshed in soul, knowing that we have put our best effort forward.
