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Articles tagged with: circumcision

Vayera: All About Me

October 29, 2017 – 12:44 am | Comments Off on Vayera: All About Me3,006 views

News was made last week, when a ninety-year-old Jew in Ukraine elected to be circumcised.[1] Of course, this was hardly the first time something like this occurred. The first time, was when our forefather Abraham did it at the age of ninety-nine.
Beyond the removal of the foreskin, what is the …

Tazria Mitzorah: Circumcision – The Mark of Truth

April 23, 2006 – 9:46 am | Comments Off on Tazria Mitzorah: Circumcision – The Mark of Truth16,965 views
mark of truth - innerstream

Eight Days
A baby is born, Mazal Tov, now the mad rush begins. Whom do you call first? Parents before siblings, siblings before friends and friends before colleagues. Every call brings new questions: what is the baby’s, weight, size, eye color and, of course, gender. Is it a boy or a …

Tazria: The Power of Circumcision

January 12, 2006 – 3:41 am | Comments Off on Tazria: The Power of Circumcision3,445 views
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Three Gifts
The power of circumcision is such that we are promised three rewards for it – manifestation of the divine presence, eternal ownership of the land of Israel and  preservation of the patrilineal line of Davidic Descent.(1)
