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Articles tagged with: priorities

Vayechi: Priorities

December 11, 2021 – 8:09 pm | Comments Off on Vayechi: Priorities1,401 views

What are your priorities in life?
Every Jewish parent knows that when it comes to blessing our children, Ephraim comes first. This is rooted in a passage in this week’s Torah portion. “He [Jacob] blessed them on that day saying, ‘With you Israel will bless, ‘may G-d make you like Ephraim …

Terumah: What Is Your Tower

February 25, 2017 – 11:47 pm | Comments Off on Terumah: What Is Your Tower5,290 views

Choose Your Tower
Two Chassidic Rabbis riding in their carriages met in the middle of a bridge. One carriage was pulled by two old horses, the other, by a team of four powerful stallions. The rabbi with the old horses asked the other, why do you need such strong horses? Answered …

Re’e: A Cup Of Coffee

August 9, 2009 – 4:44 am | Comments Off on Re’e: A Cup Of Coffee2,852 views
a cup of coffee - innerstream

My Coffee SummitI have a vice, especially on long trips,called  coffee. I got back to the car and shared this exchange with my wife. There is a sermon in this somewhere, she observed, and she was right. Here it is.


Re’e: The Loan, the Escort and the Attachment

August 26, 2005 – 1:15 am | Comments Off on Re’e: The Loan, the Escort and the Attachment3,253 views
attachment - innerstream

Remembering the Levite
In the course of this Parsha, the Torah exhorts us no fewer than six times to share our blessings with the tribe of Levi. We are reminded not only to share with the Levites but also to remember them and, furthermore, never to forget them. It is uncommon …