Articles tagged with: soul
Lech Lecha: The Convert’s Soul
No Fear
On one of my visits to Israel a dear friend took me on a tour of the ruins of Shiloh. He showed me the remnants of a huge stone wall atop a massive hill and described how formidable the fortress appeared to lone travelers at the bottom of the …
Bamidbar: G-d’s Love
Does He Need A Census?
The book of numbers opens with G-d directing Moses to take a national census,[1] which begs an obvious question. Does an All Knowing G-d require a census to know the precise number of Jews? This question is only amplified when you consider that this was the …
Shmot: Jewish Names
The Door Handle
Why do rabbis often prefer to address their congregants by their Jewish names. Why is the Jewish name important? To understand, we must return to the beginning. What is a name?
Shemot: A Day Is Born
Baby De-Light
In their darkest hour, a time of deep despair, a baby boy named Moses was born to Yocheved and Amram, the leaders of a suffering nation. It took only a glance to notice that this baby was special. A good baby. But aren’t all babies good? Yes, but this …
Re’eh: Animal Rights
The Golden Mean
The world is full of animal rights activists who stand in the breach and protect our animals. They work to save endangered species and prevent animal abuse.
Ekev: Animal Lovers
Caring for Your Pet
From time immemorial people have raised animals, but they didn’t always love them. Early animal domesticators put their animals to work. Wolves and later dogs were used as hunting tools. Cattle and fowl were either slaughtered for food or kept for wool, milk and eggs. Horses and …
Chukat: What I Learned From A Wellspring
Springing the Well
Wellsprings are G-d’s gift to the world. Arid climates become fertile when wells are discovered. Parched and thirsty souls find life, salvation and hope with the discovery of a well. A well discovery is cause for celebration and certainly a reason to praise G-d. It comes as no …
Bo: The Secret of our Continuity
The Silver Lining
We had spent the afternoon ensconced in our warm home hardly aware of the wintery conditions outdoors. As Shabbat ended we ventured outside and encountered a heavy snowfall. I groaned inwardly envisioning slush filled roads and back breaking shoveling, but was taken aback when a woman behind me …