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Articles tagged with: humility

Korach: Look, I’m Humble

June 19, 2011 – 4:01 am | Comments Off on Korach: Look, I’m Humble3,076 views
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Now Really!
After the passing of Rabbi Yehudah, the third century sage who edited the Mishnah, his colleagues proclaimed that the age of humility had come to an end. Several centuries later the Babylonian sage Rabbi Yosef offered a correction. Don’t say humility has died, he asserted, because there is I. …

Shlach: What I Learned From A Tree

June 12, 2011 – 4:46 am | Comments Off on Shlach: What I Learned From A Tree3,465 views
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The Holy Tree
Oh, the tales trees could tell if only trees could tell tales.There is a large tree in my backyard under whose branches many little dramas have played out. Many a toddler has crawled under its branches, many a back has leaned against its trunk, over the years the …

Vayikra: When Small Is Great

March 6, 2011 – 2:27 am | Comments Off on Vayikra: When Small Is Great3,245 views
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The Humble Moses
The book of Leviticus begins with the sweeping majesty of Moses’ first entry into the tabernacle. “Vayikra,” G-d called unto Moses and invited him to the Tent of Meeting. Uplifting and inspiring as the moment was, Moses, understood that small is great, received his honor in abject humility. In …

Passover: A Matzah Meditation

March 28, 2010 – 2:08 am | Comments Off on Passover: A Matzah Meditation5,440 views Torah Insights into Life and Jewish Observance

What is Matzah?
Almost everyone knows the answer to that one; it is the cracker like bread, round or square, hand or machine made, that we eat on Passover. True enough, say the Jewish mystics, but wrong answer; matzah is bread of faith. (1) How so?


Vayikra: Humble Growth

March 15, 2010 – 2:53 am | Comments Off on Vayikra: Humble Growth7,944 views
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The Small Aleph
Letters in the Hebrew alphabet also serve as numerals. Aleph, the first letter of the alphabet, represents the numeral one. It is thus fitting that Elokim, G-d`s name and Anochi, the first word of the Ten Commandments, begin with the Aleph, which represents true and singular oneness. (1)


Chanukah: Lights of Joy and Inspiration

December 13, 2009 – 4:26 am | Comments Off on Chanukah: Lights of Joy and Inspiration3,099 views
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The Night And The Light
As dusk gathers and darkness approaches, night falls and gloom encroaches,
we seek inspiration anew. What is a person to do?
The answer is simple at this time of year, light a candle and banish the fear.


Rosh Hashanah: The Shofar – Humility and Strength

August 14, 2009 – 8:33 pm | Comments Off on Rosh Hashanah: The Shofar – Humility and Strength3,075 views

Three Blasts
On the holiday of Rosh Hashanah we sound three variations of Shofar blasts. tekiah, a long blast, shevarim and teruah, variations of short blasts. Each set of blasts begins with a tekiah, followed by a shevarim or teruah, and concludes with a tekiah. The shevarim and teruah are thus …

Tu B’av: When Smaller Is Bigger

August 2, 2009 – 3:53 am | Comments Off on Tu B’av: When Smaller Is Bigger7,950 views
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Self Doubt
Have you ever made a snap decision that radically altered your lifestyle? I’m talking about deciding to move to a place you were visiting, changed careers midcourse,  or perhaps seeing something attractive in a particular teacher and making a snap decision to transfer your child to her class.
