Articles tagged with: humility
Vayikra: Humble Gratitude

The AIG Scandal
After accepting a one-hundred-and-sixty-billion dollar bailout from the United States Government, American Insurance Group distributed more than a hundred-million dollars in bonuses and retention fees to its employees; a move that infuriated the congress and the American Public.
Chukat: The Nature of a Leader

Ordinary events are to ordinary people, well, just plain ordinary. The supernatural, now that is extraordinary. Miracle workers are different. To them, the natural is astounding and the supernatural is routine. How do I know? A miracle worker told me so.
Tzav: Total Devotion

The Burned Offering
Our ancestors offered many kinds of sacrifices. Peace offerings, sin offerings, guilt offerings and also burned offerings. What is a burned offering? An offering that is burned in its entirety upon the altar.
Vayishlach: In Fear of his Brother

He was Worried
Hey, brother, can you spare a nickel? A penny or a dime? Jacob didn’t waste his time with such requests. His brother wanted to kill him and Jacob was desperate. He was afraid. He sent messengers asking, “Esau, can you spare a little love?” (1)
Noach: The Gravity of Piety

One Righteous Person
When the world is filled with unscrupulous men, what can one righteous person accomplish? Well, that depend on what he set his mind to do. Abraham motivated and uplifted those around him. Noah, well what did Noah do? Noah let them die. Actually, he didn’t just let them die, …
Ki Tavo: Serving in A Selfish World

Father and Son
After a long and agonizing separation, Jacob and Joseph were finally reunited at the ancient gates of Egypt. What did the loving father do at that moment? Did he embrace his son and release his pent-up tears? No, he recited the Shema, proclaiming his faith in G-d.
Naso: Who Is the Misfit Anyway?

A Deeper Meaning
The first verse of this Parsha, tells us to “raise the head of the tribal family Gershon”. In addition to the simple meaning of the words, “raise the heads,” which means take a census; there is a deeper meaning that lies submerged beneath the text. With a little …
Emor: Demonstrating Confidence

Fortuitous Beginnings
Our Parsha begins with the many restrictions placed upon Kohanim, the priestly class.
They are forbidden, with rare exceptions, to attend funerals lest they become ritually impure. They are restricted in whom they may marry. They are forbidden to shave or to mutilate themselves. This is because they have an …