Articles tagged with: names
Bereshit: Name Calling

What’s In A Name?
Here is a trivia question for you: Can you name the first scientist in all of history? Here is another question: Is science the work of G-d or does it merely satisfy human curiosity?
If you guessed Adam, you guessed right. If you answered that science is G-d’s …
Tetzaveh: No Name Brand

When The Ship Goes Down
Do you pay extra for a name brand? Some do, personally, I don’t. If the no name brand is of the same quality as the name brand, I am quite happy with it. The name is for others. The brand is for me. Sometimes the no …
Mishpatim: Festival And Season

The Name
The Jewish festivals celebrate the miracles of our history. The festival of Passover celebrates the exodus. Shavuot, celebrates the giving of the Ten Commandments. Sukkot, celebrates the miracles that our ancestors experienced during their journey through the desert.
The festivals are named according to the miracles that they commemorate. The …
Shmot: Jewish Names

The Door Handle
Why do rabbis often prefer to address their congregants by their Jewish names. Why is the Jewish name important? To understand, we must return to the beginning. What is a name?